"Freedom to Think: The Long Struggle to Liberate our Minds", by Susie Alegre, out on 7th April
TPP Associate, Susie Alegre’s book “Freedom to Think: The Long Struggle to Liberate our Minds” out 7th April with Atlantic Books (available to pre-order now) explores the history of the right to freedom of thought and the threats it faces in the digital age.
Power shift: politics and the energy transition in emerging markets. Webinar from TPP and Chemonics
On 2 December 2021, Chemonics, in partnership with The Policy Practice, organised a webinar entitled “Power shift: politics and the energy transition in emerging markets.”
This webinar brought together leading thinkers on the political economy of the energy transition to discuss the factors that slow down, but also those that might speed up the energy transition. Experts from South Africa, Sri Lanka and Lebanon shared their knowledge about how the political economy context affected the nature and speed of transition and the implications for the implementation of programs.
Tackling Lebanon's Electricity Crisis: Lessons from Yemen
TPP Director Neil McCulloch worked with the Lebanon Centre for Policy Studies to write a brief which outlines the Yemeni experience following the collapse of its electricity sector and to derive lessons to be learnt for Lebanon. The brief discusses the approaches taken by the authorities controlling different parts of the country to address a near breakdown in service, notably the Houthi administration in the North, who fully liberalized the market, and the Internationally Recognized Government in the South, who maintained a state monopoly on energy production and a highly subsidized tariff.
PFM Reforms in Nigeria: Lessons from 20 years of UK Support - blog from Sierd Hadley, Laure-Hélène Piron, Gareth Williams and Clare Cummings
This blog explore how the UK supported public financial management (PFM) reforms in Nigeria for 20 years, as part of an effort to translate oil revenues and debt relief into better infrastructure and public services. It identifies what made the reform happen, and draws lessons for other PFM programmes.
Getting into the Politics of why (some) Governance Programmes work - latest blog from Laure-Hélène Piron and Sam Waldock
Laure-Hélène Piron and Sam Waldock reflect on some of the unexpected lessons of 20 years of UK-funded (total £276.5m) governance programmes in Nigeria, in particular how programmes were able to understand their contexts and worked with both state and not state actors to achieving lasting changes in Northern Nigeria.
International development must be politically smart to deliver climate goals - latest blog by Niki Palmer
Climate change is political. The international development system has an important role in delivering climate commitments but must change how aid is provided. Rigid financing models should be replaced with more adaptive methods that are able to respond to complex local politics.
Webinars series on UK governance programming in Nigeria
The Policy Practice took part in three ODI webinars in October 2021 to disseminate the findings of our research into 20 years of UK governance programming in Nigeria. You can find the recordings here:
How does governance reform happen - lessons from Nigeria
Working politically in practice - lessons from Nigeria
Better governance for improved health and education - lessons from Nigeria