
Political economy analysis of the Democratic Republic of Congo's health system

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This project was led by TPP Associate Theodore Trefon. He provided USAID DRC and its Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS) with strategic recommendations to enhance Human Resources for Health (HRH) management within the DRC Ministry of Health.

The approach included a desk review of existing research, development of analytical tools, stakeholder interviews, data synthesis, and comprehensive report preparation, with fieldwork in January 2025 in Kinshasa.

Demographic Diagnostics political economy analysis - study of DRC

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The team, led by Gareth Williams, TPP Director, and lead researcher Theodore Trefon, undertook a political economy analysis (PEA) as part of the on-going Demographic Diagnostics Commission. The PEA built on DFID’s understanding of historical legacies, political interests and DFID’s room for manoeuvre in the contexts in which DFID is working.

Donor approaches to risk in fragile and conflict affected states

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This is a comparative study donor of approaches to risk management in fragile and conflict affected states. The findings are based on evidence from four case study countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Somalia and Nepal (and additional examples drawn from Myanmar, Afghanistan and Haiti). The study was commissioned by the OECD INCAF Task Team on Finance and Aid, who identified a need to complement ongoing policy level work on risk management with evidence from the field on how donors manage risk in practice.

Democratic Republic of Congo – Political Economy of Basic Education

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This literature review of the political economy of the basic education sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) draws on over 50 published and unpublished reports. It has also been informed by a DFID workshop held on 11 July 2012 on the political economy of education in DRC. The report is divided into three parts.

Democratic Republic of Congo – Political Economy of Public Financial Management

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This study analyses the progress of public financial management (PFM) reforms in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and prospects for further change. It provides a diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of public financial management, mainly at the level of central government. It then explains this performance and the progress of reforms using political economy analysis to identify the incentives and interests that may block or promote change.

Monitoring the Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations: Global Report

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The Policy Practice provided analytical and drafting support for this report, which brings together experience from six countries on the implementation of the Ten Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations. This involved synthesising the proceedings of six country consultations (Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Sierra Leone and Timor Leste) and co-authoring the Global Report.