
Tackling Deadly Diseases In Africa Programme

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Gareth Williams led the political economy analyses of health security systems in Côte d’Ivoire and Niger for the DAI implemented Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa Programme. Starting in December 2019 during the programme’s inception phase, provided support the team on PEA over a two year period. This programme aims to strengthen health systems in six countries (Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger and Uganda) to improve disease preparedness, surveillance and response. 

Mid term Evaluation: Convergence of Sciences: Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems in Benin, Ghana and Mali (CoS-SIS)

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The Convergence of Sciences: Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems programme (CoS-SIS) is a programme of research and innovation carried out by the University of Wageningen and Universities in Ghana, Mali and Benin in the area of small holder agriculture. The Programme consists of two interrelated components: (1) an Action Research programme; and (2) eleven individual PhD projects. The Action Research programme has both development and research objectives.