Political Economy Analysis

The Policy Practice uses political economy analysis to understand how and why political, social, economic and institutional change comes about and endures, or is obstructed. Our multi-disciplinary approach examines structural and institutional factors that combine to shape the incentives and motivations facing political leaders, civil servants, the private sector (whether domestic or international), civil society actors, and development agencies themselves.

We start with a problem analysis followed by the identification of structural and institutional factors, analysis of actors and their incentives. This enables us and our partners to define and test viable change pathways to promote reforms and make practical recommendations.

We use political economy analysis as part of a broader shift towards ‘thinking and working politically’ in development programming.  We promote locally-led, problem-driven, flexible and adaptive forms of working.



We provide training in political economy analysis methodology and offer bespoke support to organisations that wish to ‘think and work politically’.

We maintain an online library on political economy analysis and ‘thinking and working politically’.

Our Policy Briefs, Working Papers, consultancy and research reports share the political economy insights derived from our projects by our Directors, Principals and Associate

Examples of our work