World Bank GovEnable clinics and training course
The Policy Practice has been assisting the World Bank Governance Practice pilot clinics and a training course to support the roll-out of its new GovEnable approach since January 2023.
The GovEnable framework will encourage and enable the Bank governance and sector engagements to more deliberately and systematically support governments to address the binding governance constraints to development outcomes. The framework draws on the latest development and governance evidence which recommends a problem-driven and more iterative approach to external financing and technical assistance. It is therefore very well aligned with global thinking on ‘thinking and working politically’ and the use of political economy analysis.
The GovEnable framework will be used to help World Bank client countries diagnose and formulate solutions for governance challenges to service delivery (GovBottlenecks), design and implement sectoral and multisectoral interventions to improve public service delivery (GovforResults), and design and implement more successful and transformational institution reforms (GovFacilitate).
The project has included in-person design clinics and/or training with government officials and World Bank staff in Pakistan, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tunisia; a generic version of the course for the World Bank to use internally; and online webinars to create a GovEnable community of practice of World Bank staff and consultants.