
The Political Economy of Forest Policy in Nigeria: Changing Trends

Nigeria’s forest policy is shifting from donor-driven agendas to a growing domestic conservation movement led by scientists, urban advocates, faith groups, and rural communities facing environmental degradation. While the sector suffers from resource shortages, it benefits from committed professionals. Decentralized governance creates varied state-level policies, ranging from conservation to active deforestation. Challenges like attention and capacity deficits are easier to address than entrenched interests in other sectors.

Sector scoping for nature in Nigeria

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As part of the UK Partnership for Accelerated Climate Transitions programme (UK PACT), TPP Principal Olly Owen and Ochuko Obido are leading a scoping study on nature in Nigeria.

This includes reviewing pre-work completed by the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, undertaking a mapping of donors to the sector, to identify previous, ongoing and future programmes, and contributing to a list of possible future projects that PACT could invest in. 

Political economy study in Nigeria

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This study was commissioned by the Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and led by TPP Principal Olly Owen working with TPP Associates Suwaiba Ahmad and Sa'eed Hussaini, as well as Prof Akkani Akinyemi.

The overall objective was to support CIFF’s sexual reproduction and health rights (SRHR) around the future direction of their funding linked to data and advocacy in Nigeria.

Fifteen years of UK partnership with Nigeria on debt management: lessons for DFID’s wider approach to building capability

The quality of debt management in Nigeria has been transformed over the fifteen years under review, from a situation where debt was out of control and there was no debt management to speak of, to one where debt management is professional, the country has a reasonably well-functioning domestic government bond market, its bonds are included in major bond indexes of emerging markets, and the yield on its bonds in the Eurobond market is lower than that of a number of developed countries.


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The Policy Practice is collaborating with Propcom+, a seven year Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office-funded project and delivered by The Palladium Group. This aim is to promote market systems development for climate-smart agriculture in Nigeria.

State Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability in Nigeria

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The Policy Practice was commissioned by the World Bank to support the preparation of a Program for Results (P4R) operation in Nigeria promoting state fiscal transparency, accountability and sustainability.  The Policy Practice analysed how the political economy of Nigerian states affected the prospects for financial management reforms targeted by the proposed operation. The analysis informed the design of the P4R operation, in particular the selection of the Disbursement Linked Indicators that determined financial allocations to states.  

Nigeria: Demography Political Economy Analysis

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The team, led by Gareth Williams and Olly Owen, completed a political economy analysis on the demographic transition in Nigeria. Based on detailed fieldwork in 11 locations, the study addresses the question of what are the political, economic and socio-cultural factors influencing population policy and outcomes. It identified six potential pathways of change towards a more rapid demographic transition and makes recommendations on how development partners can support these pathways.