World Bank GovEnable clinics and training course
The Policy Practice has been assisting the World Bank Governance Practice pilot clinics and a training course to support the roll-out of its new GovEnable approach since January 2023.
The Policy Practice has been assisting the World Bank Governance Practice pilot clinics and a training course to support the roll-out of its new GovEnable approach since January 2023.
Commissioned by the Wageningen University, William Kingsmill analysed the opportunities and challenges in the Institutional political and economic context for the implementation of a CSA program, and prepared an assessment of the potentials and constraints for job creation in the agri-food sector, with a particular emphasis on employment for youth and women.
The Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) commissioned the Policy Practice to undertake a political economy analysis of Tunisia's new oversight bodies, most of which were set up following the 2011-2014 political transition (e.g.