
Support to the DFID funded ENERGIA research network on energy and gender

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Andrew Barnett has been contracted to be a member of the Technical Advisory Group of this five-year research programme on energy and gender. The TAG provides advice to the managing organization about the quality, feasibility and context of research across five themes, including the political economy of subsidy reform, and energy access in Odisha, India.

Growth, Sub-National Equity and Poverty Reduction Policies - A Five-Country Comparison

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Following our framework paper on this subject, the Policy Practice was commissioned to prepare a five-country comparative study of sub-national growth and poverty. This paper considers the spatial poverty inheritance and processes of poverty creation and maintenance in Vietnam, India, Ghana, Bolivia and Zambia. It synthesises the main points from five country case studies commissioned by DFID, supplementing this with reference to wider literature.