FCDO Understanding Political Economy Analysis and Thinking and Working Politically (2023)
This guide provides an overview of applied political economy analysis (PEA) and explains how analytical work should be planned and completed. Applied PEA is a set of concepts, questions and research techniques, developed over several decades. PEA provides a clearer picture of the country, region or sector in which development assistance is being provided. It does this by systematically exploring the underlying issues behind policy, and decisions, including those elements that are counter-intuitive. The PEA approach aims to identify a more realistic response which is politically feasible and technically sound.
This is a joint guide from the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the Thinking and Working Politically Community of Practice (TWP-CoP).
The guide also provides an introduction to techniques and concepts used by FCDO governance experts, when designing and implementing related UK aid programming. It aims to inform development professionals, and it summarises different approaches, from very light-touch to more in-depth.