
Applied Political Economy Analysis Learning Review for the Human Rights Support Mechanism

The Human Rights Support Mechanism (HRSM), funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), aims to promote and protect human rights, mitigate the effects of human rights abuses, provide remedies to human rights victims, and respond rapidly to urgent and unforeseen crises. Pact, one of the consortium members, is responsible for the systematic use of applied political economy analysis (APEA) across country and regional HRSM projects.

Learning review on the use of political economy analysis in human rights projects

Submitted by LH Piron on

Alina Rocha Menocal and Laure-Hélène Piron undertook a learning review for USAID's Human Rights Support Mechanism (HRSM) which is a project of the PROGRESS consortium (including Freedom House, Internews, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative and Pact). The project provides technical assistance and support to partners and beneficiaries in developing countries around the world to protect and promote human rights.

Results and Challenge Function for the Tanzania Inclusive Institutions Programme

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Gareth Williams and Jonathan Kydd are supporting DFID Tanzania to monitor a suite of programmes referred to as Inclusive Institutions. The largest programme is the Palladium implemented Institutions for Inclusive Development (I4ID) Programme. The Policy Practice Results and Challenge team has advised DFID and the programmes on the development of their results frameworks, focussing in particular on enabling the programmes to document clear results consistent with their theories of change, as well as creating space for flexible and adaptive programming.

Global Village Energy Partnership - Strategic Advice

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This study is to advise The Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP ) about the pre-feasibility of setting up two African Regional Hubs (one in West and one in East Africa) to increase poor people’s access to modern energy services using a “market” approach, working with potential suppliers, users and other stakeholders to promote improved access to services.