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2 days
TPP Team Members

Political economy analysis workshop for World Wildlife Fund staff, Romania

This bespoke workshop, run by TPP Director Neil McCulloch and Alex Duncan was designed for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) staff to gain a better understanding of Political Economy Analysis (PEA) and how it might help participants to identify the challenges arising from political economy features of the contexts in which they work, and to draw well-grounded conclusions for policy, strategy or program design and implementation. In particular, the workshop focussed on the application of PEA methodology to three case studies on which different WWF teams were working:

  • Ecological corridors in the Danube-Carpathian region
  • Hydropower in Romania
  • Marine spatial planning in Croatia.

Through this 2-day event, participants were able to gain greater familiarity with the theory and practice of political economy analysis and how it can be applied to WWF’s work as well as working through the application of PEA tools to three WWF case studies above.